Caleb's Pathfinder Campaign Wiki

Located in catacombs south-west of Tanlu, this network of tunnels has found itself settled by vampires and lycanthropes of all kinds.


A small group of vampires and lycanthropes who were traveling together during a lightning storm took refuge inside a nearby cave. They soon realized that this cave was not just a simple cave but a series of maze-like catacombs. This group spent the next few months clearing out the catacombs of hostiles and learning it's layout. They built a small little home for themselves there, confident that no one would find them out due to it's remote location, useless tactical and ecological value, and maze-like qualities. Slowly over time word has gotten out among vampires and lycanthropes of Sanctuary and many have come to find themselves a home where they can be unaccosted and be around their own kind.


There is no government per-say in Sanctuary, there are only a few laws set up by it's founders. These laws are the ones you might expect most civilized people to have, murder, stealing, and the like. If someone would be found breaking the law the dispute is settled between the two parties themselves with no official people to enforce the law. It is understood among most of the denizens of The Empire that living at peace with each other is more valuable than any personal gain one could get, for if Sanctuary would become a dangerous place, lycanthropes and vampires would no longer have a safe haven from the world.

Life in Sanctuary

Vampires can find their vices here, and management to help them with it if they so desire. Lycanthropes can be taught by other lycanthropes how to manage their transformations, or can simply revel in them and enjoy the duel life it brings them. The idea is that if you come to Sanctuary there are people there that completely understand you and however you've chosen to deal with your curse, you'll find support for your lifestyle. All-in-all there is a fair amount of confrontation in Sanctuary as a result of no police.

Interaction with The Empire

After the destruction of the Moon, these creatures of the night decided to hunt down what had ruined what was such an important part of their way of life. All of Sanctuary (minus a few stragglers) traveled together to Antioch where they attempted to become apart of their society. Instead they were all killed during a raid by The Empire (see Alexandra Mahone for more info.).
